I am a Swiss/Maldivian student living in Zurich. I grew up in Sri Lanka, and, although I haven't lived there since 2009, I still feel very much affiliated with its culture. I thoroughly enjoy playing football and cycling, although I cannot claim particular prowess in either sport (but who cares, right?), and you will often find me at the park with a book in my hand (this does not necessarily mean I'm reading it – I probably fell asleep in the process). When my brothers and I were still little, someone asked my mother what she wanted us to be when we grew older, and her answer was that she wanted us to be compassionate, so when I am old and bony and look back on my life, this is what I hope to have achieved.
Maybe there is a reason we choose to say the things we say when we are asked to introduce ourselves. Perhaps it is related to the fact that we always want people to see the best in us, or we want people to see us the way we wish to see ourselves. In this context, introductions are the perfect opportunity to think about who we really want to be. So, unfortunately, I cannot promise you that the image you see here will be accurate. What I can promise you is some short descriptions based on what my (hopefully biased) friends think:
Julia C. says "dedicated vegan; morally conscious, and a bookworm."
Sheron and Pav say "sincere, direct/honest and creative" and apparently "generous".
Julia S. says "Tamara: avocado enthusiast."
Nathan says "happy, imaginative."
I tend to post photographs taken with my analog cameras. These cameras include a Diana Mini, an Instax Mini, an ancient Polaroid, a Minolta Dynax 500si Super, a FishEye and some disposable cameras.
As I am a student of literature and educational science, I may post some of my own works of fiction, or I might go on a rant about how good or bad the last book I read was.
Since I love to travel, I'm hoping to include some accounts of my travelling experiences. These may be random hiking trips or awesome biking trips, or just accounts of city trips.